
“In short, all good things are wild and free,” wrote Henry David Thoreau in a succinct expression of the joy we find in simple, unobstructed movement. Freedom delights us because it is what enables us to pursue everything else that matters in life. We find an aesthetic experience of freedom in open spaces and the sensations of wild nature. Incorporating this aesthetic, through negative space and greenery, as well as natural textures, materials, scents, and sounds, can help soften and ease the constraints of the manmade world.

A closet painted with yellow and white cabana stripes with colorful jackets hanging

Does Dopamine Decor Really Work?

Multi-colored fingernails

16 Multicolor Nail Ideas to Inspire Your Next Manicure

Why Plants Make People Happy

Why Plants Make People Happy

A yellow bench with blue blankets and throw pillow

What To Do When Your House Doesn’t Feel Like Home

Ways to Start the Day on a Joyful Note

11 Ways to Start the Day on a Joyful Note

How to find your joy this summer

How to find your joy this summer — no matter what

Public Art Installations

11 Public Art Installations That Create Big Joy

How to Age Joyfully

Forget aging gracefully. Here’s how to age joyfully

ways to make any home feel like a summer home

9 ways to make any home feel like a summer home

Design a Home You Love is open! Enrollment closes April 25. Get the details here.
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